Weather in January 2025

Karlsruhe weather in January 2025

Click on a day for an hourly weather forecast

🌨️ Snowy days in Karlsruhe 2025 (January)

Overall on the next 14 days there will be 4 days with snow in Karlsruhe and a total of 2.7 cm of snow.
It will be snowy on the following days:

The average weather in Karlsruhe in January

The weather in Karlsruhe in January is very cold with temperatures between 0°C and 5°C, warm clothes are a must.

You can expect about 3 to 8 days of rain in Karlsruhe during the month of January. It’s a good idea to bring along your umbrella so that you don’t get caught in poor weather.

Karlsruhe is going to experience quite a number of days of snow during January. It’s the perfect time to build snowmen, drink hot cocoa, and have a snowball fight. Just remember to wear a warm scarf and a pair of mittens!

Our weather forecast can give you a great sense of what weather to expect in Karlsruhe in January 2025.

If you’re planning to visit Karlsruhe in the near future, we highly recommend that you review the 14 day weather forecast for Karlsruhe before you arrive.

5° / 0°
Rainy Days
Rainy Days
Snowy Days
Snowy Days
Dry Days
Dry Days
Sun Hours

Karlsruhe annual weather

Month Temperatures Rainy Days Dry Days Snowy Days Rainfall Weather More details
January 5° / 0° 6 15 9 66 mm
February 6° / 0° 7 15 7 67 mm
March 11° / 3° 5 23 3 48 mm
April 16° / 6° 4 25 1 37 mm
May 20° / 9° 7 24 0 101 mm
June 24° / 13° 5 25 0 78 mm
July 26° / 15° 5 26 0 95 mm
August 26° / 15° 4 27 0 69 mm
September 22° / 12° 3 27 0 50 mm
October 16° / 7° 4 27 0 53 mm
November 10° / 4° 6 22 2 59 mm
December 6° / 1° 9 16 6 84 mm
Temperatures in Karlsruhe in January
Rain in Karlsruhe in January

Recommended Hotels in Karlsruhe

We know that finding the ideal hotel in Karlsruhe can be a hard task...

That’s why we run our special tools and found the best hotels in Karlsruhe. Click on hotel for more details.

Weather in Karlsruhe in January - FAQ

What is the average temperature in Karlsruhe in January?
The average temperature in Karlsruhe in January is 0/5° C.
What is the chance of rain in Karlsruhe in January?
On average, there are 6 rainy days in Karlsruhe during January.
Weather wise, is January a good time to visit Karlsruhe?
The weather in Karlsruhe in January is awful.
Can it snow in Karlsruhe in January?
On average, there are 9 snowy days in Karlsruhe in January.
More about the weather in Karlsruhe