Weather today

The local weather in San Vito Lo Capo today

Thursday, 21 November 2024

The weather today in San Vito Lo Capo will be comfortable with temperatures around 18°C. During the evening and night time the temperatures will drop to 14°C.

For deep dive information check out our hourly weather forecast for today down the page.

18° / 14°
Chance of rain
Chance of rain
Previous day
Next day
Weather Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Light rain shower
Light rain shower
Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Patchy rain possible
Chance of rain79%73%61%100%100%79%67%81%
Precipitation0 mm0 mm0 mm0.1 mm0.2 mm0 mm0 mm0 mm
Wind Gust29Km/h17Km/h9Km/h6Km/h11Km/h4Km/h21Km/h27Km/h
Wind Degree269°
Wind Degree
Wind Degree
Wind Degree
Wind Degree
Wind Degree
Wind Degree
Wind Degree
Wind Degree
Cloud Cover64%75%94%77%57%85%86%84%
UV Index00012100
Visibility10 Km10 Km10 Km10 Km10 Km10 Km10 Km10 Km
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The weather in San Vito Lo Capo today - FAQ

What is the weather today in San Vito Lo Capo?
The wather forecast for today in San Vito Lo Capo is mostly patchy rain possible.
What is today's highest and lowest temperature in San Vito Lo Capo?
The temperature today in San Vito Lo Capo will range between 14° and 18°.
Will it be raining today in San Vito Lo Capo?
The chance of rain today in San Vito Lo Capo is 100%.
Will it be windy today in San Vito Lo Capo?
The wind will blow between 3 Km/h to 18 Km/h today in San Vito Lo Capo.
How many hours of sunlight today in San Vito Lo Capo?
There will be 8.5 hours of sun today in San Vito Lo Capo.
What time is the sunrise and sunset today in San Vito Lo Capo?
The sun will rise at 06:55 and set at 16:52.

Sunrise and sunset time in San Vito Lo Capo today

What time is the sunset and sunrise in San Vito Lo Capo today? The sun will rise at 06:55 and will set at 16:52. There will be 8.5 hours of sunlight in San Vito Lo Capo.


San Vito Lo Capo today weather

Morning Patchy rain possible

The temperature in San Vito Lo Capo today in the early morning is 15°C.

If you take into account factors such as wind, humidity and other weather conditions, the temperatures can feel like 15°C.

The chance of rain in San Vito Lo Capo in the morning is 61%, and the wind will blow at 5km/h.

Noon Light rain shower

The temperature in San Vito Lo Capo today at noon time is 18°C and it will feel like 18°C. The humidity will be around 64% with wind speed of 9km/h.

Evening Patchy rain possible

The temperature in San Vito Lo Capo today's evening will get to 18°C.

The chance of rain in San Vito Lo Capo in the evening time is 79%, with wind speed of 3km/h.

Night Patchy rain possible

The night temperature in San Vito Lo Capo today is 14°C with a wind speed of 15km/h.

Clothing recommendation for San Vito Lo Capo

Thursday, 21 November 2024
Warm Sweaters
Warm Sweaters
Long Pants
Long Pants
More about the weather in San Vito Lo Capo
San Vito Lo Capo 14 day weather Long range weather for San Vito Lo Capo San Vito Lo Capo weather in November San Vito Lo Capo weather in December San Vito Lo Capo Webcam Weather tomorrow Hotels in San Vito Lo Capo