The weather today in Hayle will be cold with temperatures around 7°C. During the evening and night time the temperatures will drop to 3°C.
For deep dive information check out our hourly weather forecast for today down the page.
The weather today in Hayle will be cold with temperatures around 7°C. During the evening and night time the temperatures will drop to 3°C.
For deep dive information check out our hourly weather forecast for today down the page.
00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | 18:00 | 21:00 | |
Temperature | 3°C | 5°C | 5°C | 6°C | 7°C | 7°C | 6°C | 6°C |
Weather | Partly cloudy | Patchy rain possible | Clear | Patchy rain possible | Patchy rain possible | Partly cloudy | Cloudy | Patchy rain possible |
Chance of rain | 0% | 65% | 0% | 83% | 64% | 0% | 0% | 63% |
Precipitation | 0 mm | 0 mm | 0 mm | 0 mm | 0 mm | 0 mm | 0 mm | 0 mm |
Chance of snow | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Chance of frost | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Humidity | 82% | 71% | 68% | 68% | 62% | 62% | 61% | 70% |
Wind | 33Km/h | 28Km/h | 22Km/h | 29Km/h | 21Km/h | 20Km/h | 9Km/h | 14Km/h |
Wind Gust | 45Km/h | 42Km/h | 36Km/h | 44Km/h | 28Km/h | 28Km/h | 14Km/h | 22Km/h |
Wind Degree | 47° | 19° | 349° | 328° | 307° | 298° | 276° | 194° |
Wind Direction | NE | NNE | N | NNW | NW | WNW | W | SSW |
Cloud Cover | 28% | 87% | 10% | 80% | 72% | 48% | 80% | 80% |
UV Index | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Visibility | 10 Km | 10 Km | 10 Km | 10 Km | 10 Km | 10 Km | 10 Km | 10 Km |
What time is the sunset and sunrise in Hayle today? The sun will rise at 08:19 and will set at 16:39. There will be 7.3 hours of sunlight in Hayle.
The temperature in Hayle today in the early morning is 5°C.
If you take into account factors such as wind, humidity and other weather conditions, the temperatures can feel like 1°C.
The chance of rain in Hayle in the morning is 0%, and the wind will blow at 22km/h.
The temperature in Hayle today at noon time is 7°C and it will feel like 3°C. The humidity will be around 62% with wind speed of 21km/h.
The temperature in Hayle today's evening will get to 7°C.
The chance of rain in Hayle in the evening time is 0%, with wind speed of 20km/h.
The night temperature in Hayle today is 6°C with a wind speed of 14km/h.